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Who won Waterloo

Barry Van Danzig

The book sets out an historical puzzle that has lasted nearly 200 years, just what did happen on the field of Waterloo on the 18th June 1815? Did Napoleon lose the battle through his poor health and failing military mind? Or was he at his best and was beaten by a better General? Did Blucher and the Prussian arrive in the nick of time and save Wellington from defeat or had Wellington already defeated Napoleon before Blucher finally took the village of Plancenoit and outflanked Napoleon’s right flank?

The book poses these questions and offers evidence for you to consider so that you can form your own opinion as to the true events of that momentous day.

Who won Waterloo
Barry Van Danzig

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To know more…

The official guide of the Waterloo Committee, a reference to better understand the battle and what was at stake, to know all about the protagonists, cross the battle field and discover the monuments and the iconic sites.